10.30am to 5.00 pm 2nd - 4th Saturday and Sunday: CLOSED.


About us

The Urban Co-Op Bank Ltd. Dharangaon is registered as The Dharangaon Urban Co-op Credit Society on 04.08.1956 under The Mumbai Co-op Societies Act, 1925. The Society has started its business from 14.08.1956. The Society is established with the initiative of Late Shri. Ramanlal Vitthaldas Parekh associated with Late Shri Navneetlal Hemlal Bhatiya, Late Shri Narhar Natthu Wani, Late Shri Rambhai Kalidas Patel, Late Shri Devidas Lalasa Lad, Late Shri Gulabdas Kisandas Bhatiya and Late Shri Krushnadas Gokuldas Bhatiya. The Society is run initially by Late Shri Prabhakar Narayan Vaidya and then Shri Dinkar Narayan Vaidya with the guidance of Late Shri B S Chaudhari, Retired Deputy Registrar Co-op Societies Nashik. The first tester of the society is Late Ramdas Bulakhi Sonar. The Society is converted into Bank in July 1959.


Mission & Vision

We, The Urban Co-Op. Bank Ltd., Dharangaon Committed To Providing innovative financial solutions and with a focus on excellent customer experience by a highly motivated and talented team.

• Helping our customers to achieve economic Success and financial security.

• Creating a place where our employees can learn, grow and be fulfilled in their financial services.
• We, The Urban Co-Op. Bank Ltd., Dharangaon to be a progressive bank with all values of co-operation.

• Enhancing value for all stakeholders through excellence in performance and good governance.


• We will always be honest, transparent and ethical.

• We will respect our customers and Interested Parties.

• We will do everything we can to contribute to the community we work in.

• Take responsibility
